Is there anything cuter? I think not. |
Printing the housewarming invites! |
Finally finished one Ikea hack nightstand. Looking for the motivation to finish the other one! |
She acts like the car is a torture chamber. |
Gathering some Christmas gift ideas for a certain lovable little niece! |
Enjoying some chicken flautas with my sister at our favorite chain restaurant, Chili's Chevy's |
Getting my hair done last night. You know when you meet the right hairdresser you just know she/he's the one? I love my girl, Brooke. She totally gets my delicate/not normal/awful hair situation. We are working so hard to keep the strands on the right track. Yes, my hair is in rehab. For many ailments. All of which B gets. Love her. | |
What have you lovelies been up to this week? Hope everyone has lots to look forward to this weekend! I'm cooking my first turkey for Friendsgiving and I won't lie I'm pretty nervous. Wish me luck!
Ok, I have one of the J.Crew perfect shirts from the regular store and one from the factory store and I like the factory store one better! Try there first if you haven't...