November 29, 2012

Holiday spirit-y things that don't cost a lot money..

Sometimes, with the job that I have, its hard to let the job go when you leave for the day (which, contrary to popular belief, is not always at 3 o'clock. Except Fridays. Its sacrilege to stay late on a Friday). (I digress). This school year I have been trying to let the day go and enjoy my evenings. I have to remind myself that I CAN enjoy the evening. I think its especially important this time of year when there is so much joy to be had in the evenings. For instance, as I wrote this (last night) I was listening to Christmas music \, drinking red wine, looking at all of my Christmas decorations strewn about my house, smelling my Christmas tree candle. I felt happy that I am finding time to enjoy the evenings. I was reminded how much I love this time of year even if sometimes the drudgery of my day to day job can knock the holiday spirit right out of you.

So in the spirit of the holiday season, here's what's doing its best to put me in the holiday spirit:

A Very She & Him Christmas. Christmas Waltz is in my top 5 of Christmas songs.
Christmas with Holly. Soooo cheesy but I can't help it so excited to watch! Among other Christmas favorites as well. 
Celestial Seasonings Sugar Plum Spice Tea. Sometimes I like to have tea when I get home from work but don't want caffeine at that time of the day. This is so good and seasonal!

There are a lot of other things that are putting me in the holiday spirit in a more selfish way but I wanted to focus this on the things that don't cost me a lot of money right now! Maybe later this week I'll post a Christmas Wish List since, you know, no other blogger has done one  yet.



  1. When I was a teacher I felt the same way! It was so hard not to bring work home, whether it be papers or the problems of my kids. Enjoy the season!

  2. I love Zooey! I hope you get to enjoy the season as much as you can. I feel like it definitely snuck up on me!


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