1. Pickles. I made my first batch of pickles last week. I did a refrigerator pickle because my husband absolutely loves pickles and cannot wait too long to eat them! I used this recipe from Flour on my Face and according to my husband they were very good. I didn't get to try them because I let them cure for something like 3 or 4 days and I left for Pawley's Island with the rest of my family before they were ready. I'm glad I finally bit the bullet because it was easier than I thought and now I feel more confident to tackle other canning projects!
2. Pawley's Island. My family and I went to Pawley's Island for vacation last week and it was really and fun and so beautiful! My mom's cousin owns a house in Debordieu Colony and the house itself was so beautifully designed and perfect for vacationing with multiple people. This is the first time my family has vacationed together since 2007 so it was nice to get away with them again. Unfortunately, G couldn't join us because of work which made me sad but I also got to have lots of time with my family.
3. Big Jambox by Jawbone. My husband loves listening to music, podcasts, and the news in the morning so he recently purchased the Big Jambox by Jawbone and it is awesome. I love listening to music while I'm cleaning and cooking and this thing is portable so I can put it in whatever room I'm in and listen to it. It connects via Bluetooth so you can still use your phone for other things while listening to music.
4. Photo books. I'm in the long, tedious process of backing up photos and files from my old computer. Why is this such a painful process? I'm using Dropbox to back up my photos but I still want to make photo books of all of our vacation photos so I have hard copies as well. The age of digital cameras is great and all, but I kind of wish I could just get a role of film developed and I wouldn't have to worry about my photos disappearing into thin air. Does anyone have a high quality, user friendly website they use to make photo books? I tried using Mixbook and it was kind of difficult and I got frustrated and eventually gave up. I know a lot of people use Shutterfly but I'm not always impressed with their quality. Suggestions?
5. Whitney English Day Designer. I got a Day Designer by Whitney English at the beginning of this year and I absolutely L-O-V-E it. It is the best planner I have ever owned. I've tried Lilly Pulitzer and Erin Condren and both pale in comparison to the Day Designer. Truthfully, I didn't even open it all summer because my days aren't really that planned in the summer but with the school year starting up again on Monday, I broke it out to start sorting through the things that need to get done. Yes, it is a bit on the pricey side but it is so worth it if you need something to help keep you on track.

I got Stephen a Bose Sound link for his bday and it was the best present! Very similar to yours. I turn it on every night making dinner (and happy hour :) )
ReplyDeleteI have the Jambox too! But it's the little one.
ReplyDeleteWhitney English? Oh lala ;) I just got the Lilly one, but I swear I never open it. Not in the habit maybe?
Good to know about the jambox! I need a good gift for my husband. Thanks!