Just finished....

I don't really have any words for this book. It took me 6 months to finish which is a big indicator of the quality of the book. I could not stand Diana Bishop and everything was so over the top I found myself rolling my eyes and saying, "oh, please". There's a small chance I may venture on to the second book because I am a little curious as to what may happen but chances are I'm going to sit this trilogy out.
Currently reading...

I know I am late to the game on this one but holy balls is this book good and I don't normally read mystery/thrillers. I cannot put it down and I really hope I don't hate the ending like everybody else apparently did.
I know I am late to the game on this one but holy balls is this book good and I don't normally read mystery/thrillers. I cannot put it down and I really hope I don't hate the ending like everybody else apparently did.
Up next...
Impulse purchase from Target a few months back. I am so excited to read it and have very high hopes for it.
My sister-in-law gave me this book for my birthday. I've heard its quirky which I am excited about. I love quirky books every once in awhile.
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