December 20, 2012

My Grown Up Christmas List

For Christmas this year I would love the following things... 
*My students to know they are safe inside our building. Always safe. 
*For my students to believe that their dreams are worth pursuing and to never, ever give up. 
*Mental illness to be addressed as a real, and growing, issue. 
*Real solutions to said mental illness issue. 
*A warm, comforting place for all to go during this holiday season. 
*My family to know only health and happiness in the upcoming year. 
*For strength and courage to do my job well. 
*No child to go hungry, ever. 
*For all of you who read this little blog of mine to have a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year. 
 *For peace and healing for all in the community of Newtown, CT
*For every educator on this planet to be able to relax and enjoy their time during the upcoming break.

It's been a trying week to be an educator. I'll  be honest, Friday at 3pm can't come soon enough for me. On top of all of us dealing with our own responses to last Friday's tragedy here at my school we have a child whose house burned down and multiple requests for food from families. It makes my heart heavy. Sometimes, the holiday season isn't as joyful as it should be. 

I am going to do my best to enjoy my time with my family because if we've learned anything as of late, its to never take anything for granted. Wishing you all happy days ahead. 


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