July 24, 2012

Tuesday Tidbits

  • I cannot believe that summer is almost over. I go back to work in less than a month. When I think about it, I develop a pit in my stomach. Here's hoping that the nice fairy made a visit to all of my students over the summer. 
  • Last week, after a few cocktails at Book Club, I ordered a Dyson vacuum off of HSN. It is without a doubt the best decision I've ever made while under the influence. I don't know how I ever lived with a Dyson.
  • I made these donuts for brunch with my girlfriends this past Sunday. They were divine. So divine I may never eat a store-bought donut again. I'm not much of a baker and these turned out great so don't be scared. 
  • We found a house and our offer was accepted last week! I realize this should probably be bullet point #1 but we don't close until September and I feel kind of superstitious about it and don't want to jinx it. Suffice it to say there is a lot of Pinteresting and Home Decor blog reading happening around these parts. I'll share all the details when those keys are finally in my hand. 
  • Does anybody else love pushing the grocery cart in to the cart corral thing? It is my most favorite part of the whole grocery store trip. I stand a few feet away and then launch the cart in and wait for it to hit another cart. Now that I type it out it sounds weird and not like very much fun. Am I alone in this?
  • The Dark Knight is one of my most favorite movies of all time. I could have an entire conversation using only quotes from that movie. I was really excited to see The Dark Knight Rises and now I'm not sure I'll be able to see it in the movie theater or ever. My heart breaks for those people in CO. I also happened to watch two Lifetime movies about seemingly normal people going batshit and murdering people and now I feel sad for the world all the time. This is why having kids scares the living daylights out of me, how can I feel right about bringing another human into this kind of world?
  • Since that last bullet point was heavy, here is a picture of my dog being the cutest thing of all time to lighten things up:
Happy Tuesday!

1 comment

  1. I do enjoy pushing that car into the corral. I try to see how far back I can go and how hard I can push it without it bouncing back or making a turn into a car. I guess I will have some time to perfect my skills since I will be living in the burbs for a couple of months!


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