April 30, 2012

Lovely Little Weekend

Why do weekends go by so fast? I mean, seriously. I blink and suddenly I'm in bed, it's Sunday, and we're already half way through a new episode of The Killing. WTF. When is POTUS going to make the weekends three days long? That should be every presidential hopeful's platform. I would vote for anyone who could promise me a three day weekend; forget all the other stuff like health care and unemployment. Three day weekends will get anyone the job in my book. Even Donald Trump. 

Our weekend was so nice and relaxing. The weather was absolute crap but that meant for leisurely days spent on the couch and low-key nights out with friends.

Friday night we went to my parents' house to celebrate my mom's birthday

My parents' dog, Sailor. This dog is nuts. She has more anxiety than most humans I know.

My parents' dog, Shelby and my not-such-a-puppy anymore chillin by the fire. It was so cold!   

Saturday afternoon we met up with my future sister-in-law to discuss her upcoming wedding to my brother-in-law. They're going to have a winter wedding and I love being apart of the planning process! 

I didn't read this book when I was planning but I gave it to my SIL and she said she's enjoying it so far!

Saturday night we went out with some friends and tried two new restaurants. One for cocktails ( verdict = delish cocktails) and one for small plates (verdict = delish food). 

Corvus Punch. It had cinnamon in it! It was soooo good! 

I wore my  hair up on Saturday night. I NEVER wear my hair up. My husband was weirded out by my new hairstyle and proceeded to make fun of my bun all night. True love, right there. 

I hope your weekend was lovely and your week is off to a great start! I'm about to head out on my weekly Monday night walk with one of my friends. Love these walks, they are much needed.


  1. I love high buns! They are my quick and easy go-to hair style.

  2. Love it- I need to go to bond st and wit and wisdom with you all- looks so swanky for Baltimore!

  3. i definitely think you should wear your hair in a high bun more often. adorable!!
    plus, it is a great hairstyle for those greasy hair days. trust me, i do them all the time, ha
    xo TJ


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