Hello Blog World,
Let me introduce myself, my name is Pris and while this a new blog, I'm not a new blogger. I used to write a blog called, "Lovely Chaos" but stopped blogging one day and I'm not totally sure why. I was entering a time in my life that, while for most people is great blog fodder, for me I felt it was a time to be private. Since then, I've never stopped reading some of the blogs that I read daily and really felt that I missed the creative outlet my blog provided. So, I'm back! I hope you will enjoy.
Since I stopped blogging way back in April 2010-- here are some things you should know about me:
1. When I started my blog in '08 I was dating my boyfriend, G, who is now my husband. We got married this past summer and the adventure continues!
2. I am a teacher. I probably won't talk much about my job on this blog.Its a challenging job but I don't feel it has a place on the internet.
3. That being said, my blog name does have a little to do with my job-- plans. There are a lot of them in my life-- lesson plans, weekend plans, and until just recently-- wedding plans!
4. I live in one of the smaller cities on the east coast. Its a little dirty but I love it here and really can't see myself moving anytime soon.
5. I ran a marathon once and I now I can barely run to the mailbox. Trying to remedy that currently.
I hope you will stick around and follow me on this adventure! Oh, and one last thing, I have a (not so) miniature schnauzer and she pretty much rules.
Welcome back!!