June 29, 2015

Musings on Monday


We had a lovely weekend filled with celebrations -- a bridal shower, an engagement celebration, and a 2nd birthday party for our nephew, I didn't want it to end! But alas, here it is Monday again and it's time to hit the ground running on all of the projects that need to be completed. This might be a negative spin on things but once July 4th comes and goes, the summer is on a downward slope. I mean it's already less than 2 months until I go back to school! 

Really wishing I could hit up the pool today but I have a week left of grad school and two assignments to go, neither of which I've started and one that's due tomorrow! Procrastination at it's finest. I also have laundry that needs to be done, a dishwasher that needs to be emptied, a refrigerator that needs to be cleaned out, a grocery store run to make, and bathrooms that need to be cleaned. I'd also like to get to the gym or at least out for a long walk today. Lots to do so I'd better get started -- hope you all have a great Monday! 


June 26, 2015

Five on Friday!

Image result for five on friday

1. I've checked one thing off of our mile long to-do before baby list and purchased our nursery furniture about two weeks ago. It will be delivered next Friday, which is exciting yet scary because there is so much furniture in the guest room that needs to be moved before then. We went with the Gemma Campaign dresser and crib from Pottery Barn Kids. Scored them on sale, too! Now just keep your fingers crossed that a tennis ball cannot fit underneath either of these pieces. We have a dog whose absolute favorite activity is knocking the tennis ball underneath of furniture and then barking until we get it out and throw it to her. 

2. I swore I would no longer buy Ikea furniture but we are need of a new bed frame and given the dog's favorite activity, I'd really like one that goes all the way to the floor. Julia of Lemon Stripes  recently featured her master bedroom and she has the Ikea Brimnes bed frame and I think it looks pretty fab. Since this isn't really a need situation but rather one I'd like to tackle pre-baby, the price is a pretty big factor as well. Does anyone have any experience with Ikea bed frames? What is the deal with the slatted bed base? Is that a necessary purchase? We have a really nice mattress that currently sits on top of a box spring so not sure if this is something we would need to buy as well. 
BRIMNES Bed frame with storage IKEA The 4 large drawers give you an extra storage space under the bed.
3. In less than a month we are headed down to Puerto Rico! We had initially planned to head out to the Pacific Northwest for our vacation this summer but with a baby on the way, we decided a beach destination was a better fit for us. Further, with airline miles and hotel points, we were able to score our flights and hotel stay for free! Can't beat that :)  Anyone been to San Juan and have recommendations for us? We are definitely going into town and to the rainforest at some point but any other recs are welcomed and appreciated! 

I hope you all have a lovely Friday! I'm off to the pool with my mother-in-law and niece and nephew and then headed to pre-natal yoga- should be a good day! 

June 4, 2015

Thoughts on Thursday: Back again and big news!

Thoughts for Thursday

1. A return to blogging...and news! Right around the time I wrote my last post in March, we found out we are going to have a BABY! It's a pretty all-consuming piece of information, isn't it? It is crazy exciting and also, crazy scary. G and I are really excited and looking forward to this next chapter in our lives. Pregnancy so far has been a great experience for me. I've had no nausea, which I am thanking my lucky stars for! I have been extremely tired and still waiting on that second trimester energy to kick in but other than that (and some pretty serious food aversions) I have been feeling good. I can't lie, waking up with no hangover on a Saturday is pretty awesome as well!
 2. Baby T is a... BOY! I had a feeling that this baby was a boy but when it was confirmed last week, G and I were still like 'whaaaat'. Most of our friends have boys and my sister has two boys so we are excited to be adding to the crew! Giving birth to boys been the trend with our friends since people started getting serious about reproducing in 2013 and no joke, I know 12 people giving birth in 2015 and 7 of us (including me) are having boys! 2 of them had/are having girls and 3 are still unconfirmed, so I'll be interested to see how the proportions play out! It is seriously crazy how many people we know with boys, guess we're working on a 53 man roster! 
3. Summer break. I have 11 working days (2 of them half days) until summer break. I'm pretty sure I say this every year, but this year has been ROUGH. For reasons beyond poor student behavior and an extensive workload. I am happy to see this year end. There is so much stuff that needs to get done around our house before the baby so I am excited to have ample time to get some of those things completed. I'm pretty sure it goes without saying but I am so excited to get started on Baby T's  nursery! I think I already have the design narrowed down, can't wait to bring it to life!

That's all I've got for today, thanks for sticking around! I'll be perusing your blogs to get updates on you all as well! Happy pre-Friday! 
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