1. A return to blogging...and news! Right around the time I wrote my last post in March, we found out we are going to have a BABY! It's a pretty all-consuming piece of information, isn't it? It is crazy exciting and also, crazy scary. G and I are really excited and looking forward to this next chapter in our lives. Pregnancy so far has been a great experience for me. I've had no nausea, which I am thanking my lucky stars for! I have been extremely tired and still waiting on that second trimester energy to kick in but other than that (and some pretty serious food aversions) I have been feeling good. I can't lie, waking up with no hangover on a Saturday is pretty awesome as well!
2. Baby T is a... BOY! I had a feeling that this baby was a boy but when it was confirmed last week, G and I were still like 'whaaaat'. Most of our friends have boys and my sister has two boys so we are excited to be adding to the crew! Giving birth to boys been the trend with our friends since people started getting serious about reproducing in 2013 and no joke, I know 12 people giving birth in 2015 and 7 of us (including me) are having boys! 2 of them had/are having girls and 3 are still unconfirmed, so I'll be interested to see how the proportions play out! It is seriously crazy how many people we know with boys, guess we're working on a 53 man roster!
3. Summer break. I have 11 working days (2 of them half days) until summer break. I'm pretty sure I say this every year, but this year has been ROUGH. For reasons beyond poor student behavior and an extensive workload. I am happy to see this year end. There is so much stuff that needs to get done around our house before the baby so I am excited to have ample time to get some of those things completed. I'm pretty sure it goes without saying but I am so excited to get started on Baby T's nursery! I think I already have the design narrowed down, can't wait to bring it to life!
That's all I've got for today, thanks for sticking around! I'll be perusing your blogs to get updates on you all as well! Happy pre-Friday!