Linking up again with these lovely ladies for Five on Friday!
1.Running. Tomorrow is my half-marathon and I am really excited! It will be the furthest I've run since I ran a marathon almost 6 years ago. I'm the slightest bit nervous but mostly I'm looking forward to having a good time and running with some of my dearest friends. I'm also looking forward to the drinks that will come after. Definitely that. Lack of a Thursday night glass of wine was difficult.
2. Reading. I love it so. Someone asked me the other day how I have so much time to read and its because I don't really watch any TV. I have a couple of shows that I watch with my husband and even then I'm usually reading/kinda watching. Reading is one of my greatest joys and lately I've been on a kick where every book I read is really good!
3. The Lexington Tank Shift Dress. I am seriously coveting this dress for an NYC wedding I have later this summer. The boutique down the street from me sells it for a cheaper price than Sosie but they don't have anymore in my size so I might have to bite the bullet and buy it.
4. Baltimore. I love my city. Obviously like any other city it has its dark sides (who doesn't?) but I'm so happy living here. I love taking the pup out for walks on the city streets, its a very dog friendly city. I love the great restaurants and all the little neighborhoods. I love that its a city without being overwhelmingly huge. I've found a lot of wonderful activities to do close by that I can get to so easily. I don't have to belong to a gym to exercise a lot around here!
5. Macy. I love this little creature so much. Seriously, dogs are the BEST. She brings so much joy and laughter to our lives. This picture cracks me up she looks so serious (and patriotic)!
Happy Friday!