1. Friday. The simple fact that it is Friday is making me so happy today. Its been a loooooong week. G will finally be home after two weeks of traveling and we're having dinner tonight with some good friends. Solid start to the weekend.
2. Chili. Making the first big pot of chili of the fall this weekend and I cannot wait.
3. My new mug. I got this mug last weekend in Nashville and I can't even take the cutenesss! Schnauzer eyebrows and beards kill me even in ceramic form.
4. This girl. Macy had been acting strangely for a few weeks so I took her to the vet about a week ago and it turns out my girl has a UTI and was kind of dehydrated. Sadface. She's been on antibiotics and has water added to her food and she seems to be back to her old self. Poor little thing.
5. The Pampeered Chef. I recently took the plunge after attending a few TPC shows and decided to become a consultant. I really do love the products and the extra money will be nice considering my desire to travel every while also supporting my love of expensive material goods. I never thought I'd go into direct sales but here I am and very excited! If you are local to Baltimore/DC contact me to host a show!